I may have said this already, but at the end of last year, I asked God how He was going to top last year for me, because last year was just so great, and I fell like He looked at me, chuckled, and said "Poof... your life just got hard and complicated and awesome. now go!". The challenges I'm currently facing are completely God given and completely beyond my previous experiences or previous comfort zones.
At the end of last year, I felt like God was telling me to go to Photography school in Montana. I had been contemplating starting Tech before I went to Africa, but I could never acquire a peace about it. Mom always told me to follow my peace, so I didn't do it (right move, I believe). I resolved, once the new year rang in, to call the financial aid company and apply for a $13,000 loan to put me through photography school that was less than 6 months away. In the same day, I got denied the loan, just like that, and things began falling apart in my head.
God had begun, at the end of last year, to impress upon me that, in this year, I was now going to have to take what I'd learned throughout my short little life experiences and begin applying it to life situations. I began noticing more and more examples of faith and the power it holds and the need for it. Through all this, and through many other conversations, God brought to my attention the need for me to strengthen my faith. He told me I would need it for the life He has for me and it would begin with this year.
And so, here I am, I've just gotten denied the means of getting to school and I have no idea what to do, because I feel very strongly that it's what God told me to do and now I have no way to go! And then the light bulb comes on, and here I am, realizing that I'm relying on the works of man to fulfill a calling God
has spoken.
SO.. all this to say, ever since my dad told me I shouldn't send in the $50 registration fee or the $500 tuition deposit until I knew I could get the money and then I got denied that loan, I've realized this isn't going to come about by my own doing. I sent in the application, got accepted, and last Monday sent in my $500 non refundable deposit. I feel that, if I don't do this, I'm robbing God of a chance to glorify Himself. It doesn't send much glory his way to say, "yes, He told me to do it, but I didn't have the money, so I got scared and backed out, but I'm sure He would've provided had I done it...".
I don't know where this money is coming from, but I cannot describe this peace, which leads me to the conclusion it's from Him. I shouldn't have it, I'm broke, but I do, and so I'm acting. I want to cry sometimes when I think of the patience and perseverance I'll have to exercise in the next few months, it's never been my strong point, but I feel like, if I don't do it, I'll always stay in this comfort zone.
All that to say, I have to have $3,500 by April 1st and only God knows where it's coming from. I have to have another $3,500 by May 1st and again, no idea how I'll get it. And, once again, I'll have to have an approximate addition of $5,000 for living, and for travel up there, back, and while I'm there. This all is beyond my finite self and I'm a bit nervous.
So this is my life right now. At some point soon, I'm hoping to be back in Africa for a while. One of my major arguments when He told me to go to school was that I didn't want to be in debt afterwards because I wanted to go back to Africa and maybe other places. This is when that foreign concept of God supplying all my needs according to His riches popped into my head and heart. So this is what I'm banking on (pun intended :]).
God is good, I cannot forget that. He also has a plan and if I'm walking in love with Him, He will guide me down this path, however littered and bumpy it may be, and He will provide the means of achieving all that He's meant for me to be. His word says "FAITH comes by HEARING and HEARING by the WORD.". I have to delve into His Word in order to keep this mindset. This, I shall do.
"Against all hope, Abraham HOPED... WITHOUT WEAKENING his faith, HE FACED...being FULLY persuaded that God had THE POWER" - Romans 4:17-21