Care to hear a rather amazing story? 'Cause I have a pretty amazing one to tell.
Note the adorable little dog seen here, for he is the most spoiled rotten, funniest, stupidest, most conniving little critter on the planet. Blindly loved by many, punished by few. But He sure is thankful today to have the "God fearin' mama" that he does...
This morning, I was in bed, just beginning to rouse from sleep around 8:45. I had gotten in from a wedding late lastnight and had resolved to sleep in this morning instead of going to church.
In my rousing, bleary eyed state, I suddenly hear, through my propped-open window, a rather shrill woman's scream from outside. The neighborhood isn't the most quiet, in general, so I didn't think anything of it. But then I heard two women vigorous talking to each other (one of them being my mother's voice, but the other voice was the one in hysterics). Then I hear the hysterical voice say, "Oh my gosh oh my gosh! is that your dog? Is he hurt!?" I bolted upright in bed and took off outside to see my mother across the street in the neighbor's yard, squatting down, cradling our 5 year old Pomeranian, Swiffer, while our neighbor and her two daughters are standing over her, crying. He had just been hit by a car while attempting to get to the neighbor's dog across the street. My stomach dropped. This dog is practically my mom's best friend. Spoiled rotten. This can't happen.
If I may back up a moment.. what had happened before I'd emerged from the house was this: mom had just pulled into the driveway and had Swiffer in the car with her. Soon as she opened the door, Swiffer saw the neighbor's little Terrier across the street and took off for it. Mom began shouting at him to come back, and sometimes he'll listen, but this time he didn't. He stopped short of being hit my the first car coming, but immediately after it past, took off again and got hit by the second one behind it. He apparently went clean under the front wheel and rolled to a stop behind the car. He start howling and attempting to get out of the road, but his whole back end wouldn't work. It was warped behind him and was useless, so he just laid down in the road, whimpering. Mom ran to him and picked him up and took him to the neighbor's yard. By this time, the woman and her two daughters had begun to, shall I say, completely lose it, and the woman began shouting, "oh my gosh! we need to get him to a vet! but it's Sunday, no one is open! He's going to have broken bones and internal injuries, I don't know if they'll be able to save him. I hate this, he's going to be cripple for the rest of his life, what are you gonna do?". My mom, soon as she'd picked him up, had began praying over him, and told the woman, "it's okay, I'm just gonna pray over him a minute. I have a rather big God..." So she did. Meanwhile, the man who hit him turned around and came back and asked if he was ok. Mom just waved him on and said she's just gonna hold him a minute, so the guy left. It, after all, wasn't his fault, the dog practically ran up under him.
This is when I came out, just in time to see my mother put Swiffer on the ground. She put him down and he stood up straight and began walking. Then he spotted the other little dog that was his original target and began running after him to play. He was fine. The woman began crying even harder and saying she never would've believed such a story unless she'd seen it with her own eyes, but that that dog shouldn't even be alive right now. So mom stood there for a few and talked to the woman and her daughters about God and His faithfulness and power. Then she proceeded to bring my dog back to the house and carry on with the day.
At the end of last year, I was on the way home from Charleston one night when I saw a dog get hit by the car in front of me. I stopped and put on my emergency blinkers until I could get him out of the road. When I got close to him, he tried to run away from me, but his whole back end wouldn't work, so he just laid down, just like my dog did this morning. After the police got there and a couple that had stopped with me offered to take him to the Vet ER, we began to see blood filling his mouth and nose. I don't know what happened to him after that night, but I can only imagine the damage that had been done.
This should've happened to my dog this morning. He should've, after a couple of minutes, been bleeding from internal injuries. And he should've died. But God knows the things that are important to us. No, a dog doesn't have a spirit and isn't able to become a Christ follower or be saved, but God knew he was important to my mom and the rest of our family. And in the Biblical story, when the woman who pushed her way through the throng of people to touched Jesus' robe so she would be healed, He turned to her and said, "YOUR faith has healed you. Go and be free."
It IS God's power that heals. But what many don't realize is that power has been given to us. It's sitting inside of every believer, waiting to be used. But it takes our stepping out in faith for it to be manifested. Mom said she realized while walking back to the house, that she had put God on the spot by proclaiming that He would heal her dog, but Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, says quite often that we should take advantage of grim situations that are impossible for man to turn around, and then give those situations over to God, because God would HAVE to show up in order for it to be done. And that, in turn, brings more glory to His kingdom. This was not a premeditated notion that mom had, she just took action in the first thing that came to mind, and that was the promise God gave that His people have the power to "...lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."
It touched me. My brothers have been asking to hear the details of the story all day, and the woman and her daughters said that they had been so down and depressed when they woke up this morning, but this miracle had turned that around.
God knows what He's doing. He knows our hearts and what means the most to us. He knows when people who need to be touched the most are watching, like this mother and her daughters.
He said that these signs SHOULD and WILL follow those that believe. Not that they might sometimes, or they might if it's His will. They will.
It's a good day for a miracle.
That is awesome! I know that God cares for even little doggies (even as much as I don't)! I am so glad that you believe that God still does miracles! This was an encouraging story!