It makes me irritable. Towards everything. People around me, myself, God, the coffee maker, the cat breathing, etc. Irritable at everything/one except him, the one who's causing it. He's a sneaky little leach. But after a little while of giving him too much leeway inside of my head, I get irritable with him.
Then, you have to go to God (who you were irritable with, for no reason) and say 'sorry for letting satan take away the joy of the gifts you've given me', and then you counter the little critter who's lying to you.
And sometimes, as an artist (especially if that's the area he's attacking you in), it's fun to counter him. Why? Because...
"If death has touched [the] Kingdom, watch as it bows it’s head in shame."
- Mattie Montgomery
The gifts we've all been given are hidden in God. He gave them and "whatever door God opens, no man can close"
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”
- Will Rogers
^ very true.
ok one more, just cause I like me some quotes:
"Don't just face your fears, stand up to them!" - Anon
SOOOO what do you do?
You stand up to them.

you get artsy.

you get crazy.

you get... uh, blurry?

sure why not.
Instead of staying busy and doing the 3874230987234 things I have to do, I set up a makeshift shoot in my room.
Okay, so satan telling me I have no talent isn't the biggest lie he's ever thrown at me, but he just aggravates me. And God says He "prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies", sooo why not take the talent God has given you and have a fun little talent-session to stomp on the devil's face?

Feast in front of your enemy. It's okay. God said so.
God hasn't taken you out of view of the enemy, He's just taken you out of reach. So tick him off.
Sorry if I bored anyone with a bunch of pictures of myself. I just had fun and laughed at myself a lot (plus, it was an excuse to play with equipment haha).
Go stand up to your fears.
Proving someone, who's telling you 'you can't', wrong, requires action.
Go do the things they're telling you you're not good enough for.
The things they believe you can't do.
Go be great today.
You can stay where you are or you can risk and start living. Your choice.
- Lara Casey
Such an honest, poignant, wonderfully written post Jessie. Thank you for sharing this. I'll be thinking of you as you go on this incredible journey. You have everything you need inside of you. So happy to "meet" you here!