This year, I was not in SC for the annual fireworks on the bay and the beach, but I did get to spend some time with great friends here in MN for the holiday. We kept it low key [my personal favorite] and climbed on the roof and sat and watched all the neighbors and the local high school shoot off their lot. Fun times fun times!
Here is some documentation of the night's lights.

The neighbors were very cooperative in being my silhouette models :)

I found The Southern Cross in the Northern Hemisphere sky!!!
...Actually it was the aftermath of a firework, but it DID look like The Cross, which I though was pretty cool.

A star? A plane? no, it's!---... a firework as it's bursting :) (that was corny I know)
-- ok I think the rest can explain themselves...

-- and what would The 4th be without... Watermelon! yum yum yum.

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!!!
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